Saturday, 6 September 2014

Layout, Drafting, and Storyboard

Draft Print Task

Here are couple of draft print tasks that I created on my own. The edits were created using our first photoshoot. The edits were needed quite a lot of improvements to be made, but using these drafts, we extracted ideas from it and the other 2 drafts created by the group members and we applied it to our final group print tasks. 

Front Album Cover 1
Front Album Cover
Back Album Cover
Inside Panel Left
Inside Panel Right
Magazine Advert

Print Task Before Feedback (MicroEditing)

After receiving feedback from our teachers, there were a few changes that had to be made for the front album cover and the magazine advert. For the two print task we needed to make a few modifications to the font. 

Lip Sync Edit

This is a short 40 second music video that I done by myself. It was done as a practice of the lip-sync editing. 

Music Video Old Cast Draft

This is the video we recorded with our first cast, which shows the poor acting, following this draft, we re-casted.

The editing in this music video is poorly done, this is mainly because we knew before we edited the footage together, that we would be changing our cast. So we did not bother editing it as it would consume a lot of time and we needed to move onto filming with a new set of cast. 

Practice Shot for sketch idea

This is our practice filming, it was done using Aimee Watson and myself as the cast as we had no one else to use on the day. We had set out to practice the special effect and transition of the sketch to a real life person.

Using this practice shot we had acknowledged that the transition that we had originally visioned was very difficult to accomplish.
We wanted the sketch to appear on the book and have the camera pan up to show the sketch come to life. This lead us onto finding out alternative ways in which we could make this idea work for our music video.

Music Video First Draft

Here is our First draft music video, after receiving feedback from our media class (students) and teachers. We made a few changes to the music video.

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