Tuesday, 9 September 2014

Potential Target Audience

Target Audience: Girls aged 15-20
This is the mood board that we have created to demonstrate who our target audience are.

 Our target audience are mainly teenage girls aged from 15-20. This is because of our artist himself and the songs he makes would attract young girls. Most male pop artists have a girl heavy fanbase, particularly teenage girls like to follow these artists.

For example the song 'Easier As Us' is about the artist thinking that it would be easier to be 'together' rather than just 'you' and 'I' therefore he implies to become a couple. The teenage girls are likely to relate to this because they are likely to be in situations where they may want have a crush on their friend and want to be in a relationship, so they would be relating to this song.

In addition to this relation, girls of this age would be more likely to be attractive to this artist, as he is young, attractive, and charming. This mood board shows some of the other things typical girls may be interested in.

This does not mean that we wouldn't have a secondary audience of young males, who are just interested in our music too and who perhaps like or are influenced by our artist look and style. But we have found that our main primary audinece would be predominantly young females.

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